För sjukvården

Information till sjukvården

Föreningen förmedlar gärna information till intresserade läkare och annan vårdpersonal, om vektorburna infektioner, samt behandlingsrekommendationer från läkare med erfarenhet av att behandla dessa. Ju flera patienter som blir drabbade, ju mer kunskap måste sjukvården få i hur man upptäcker och behandlar dessa sjukdomar. Vi är behjälpliga vid frågor och förmedlar gärna kontakt med annan erfaren sjukvårdspersonal. 

Vid ytterligare frågor och information vänligen kontakta oss på foreningen@borrelia-tbe.s

Borrelia spirochaetes Detected in autopsy Alzheimer Brain by Dr. Alan MacDonald


Dr AB MacDonald describes his stunning findings of Borrelia bacteria in brain tissue of Alzheimer victims. Seven out of ten brain specimens were positive for the specific DNA of Borrelia, a microbe which causes Lyme Disease and Relapsing Fever.

The Biology of Lyme Disease: An Expert's Perspective Del I

Publicerades 2013

This is a 30 minute video with Dr. Alan MacDonald, a retired M.D. and board certified in Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology. This revealing interview from May 2013 (1 of 3) covers many of the controversies associated with Lyme disease:

  • Chronic lyme disease;
  • Alzheimer's and Lyme disease: microscopy and culturing brain tissue;
  • How Borrelia changes and survives within the human host;
  • The many strains and variations in Borrelia, how this relates to flawed testing.

Dr. Alan MacDonald: Pathologist, Lyme Disease Expert Del 2

Publicerades 2013

This is a 30 minute video with Dr. Alan MacDonald, a retired M.D. and board certified in Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology. This revealing interview from May 2013 (part 2 of 3) covers many misunderstandings associated with Lyme disease:

  • Brains and eyes as infection sanctuary sites
  • Cloaking of spirochetes in complementary proteins
  • Borrelia lifeforms: biofilms, communities, persisters, liposomes
  • Syphilis spirochetes and similararities
  • Spirochetes similar in biofunction as sperm
  • Anatomy of a tick assault
  • Six ways of evading the human immune system
  • The CDC and Borrelia biofilms
  • Atomic force microscopy: confirms Borrelia biofilms
  • 101 strains of Borrelia, 150 global genotypes
  • Babesiosis types
  • Why strain variation makes testing inaccurate

Dr. Alan MacDonald: Pathologist, Lyme Disease Expert Del 3

Publicerades  2013

This is a 30 minute video with Dr. Alan MacDonald, a retired M.D. and board certified in Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology. This revealing interview from May 2013 (part 3 of 3) covers many misunderstandings associated with Lyme disease:

  • Biofilm communities
  • Herxheimer reactions
  • Failed therapy vs. Doctor failure
  • Better terms for Lyme disease
  • How Lyme was named and actual discoverer
  • Four points of the Steere compass
  • Multiple co-infections
  • Complexity and adaptability of borrelia DNA
  • Importance of CME for competency
  • Globalization of Lyme disease
  • Treatment options
  • Biofilm infections and endocarditis

”En sanning går alltid igenom tre olika stadier: Först är en sanning förlöjligad, sedan är den våldsamt motarbetad, och till sist är den accepterad som en självklarhet.”

Kontakt: foreningen@borrelia-tbe.se

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